Lily of the Valley: Colors and Varieties

  • 5 min read


Lily of the Valley flowers are cherished for their delicate, bell-shaped blooms and sweet fragrance. These charming flowers have been a symbol of purity, happiness, and renewal for centuries. Often found in gardens and bouquets, lily of the valley adds a touch of elegance and grace to any setting. Let’s explore the beauty and significance of lily of the valley, their varieties, meanings, and tips for caring for these lovely blooms.

What are Lily of the Valley Flowers?

Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) is a perennial flowering plant known for its delicate, bell-shaped white blooms and sweet fragrance. These flowers typically grow in small clusters on slender, arching stems and are complemented by broad, glossy green leaves. 

Native to Europe and Asia, lily of the valley thrives in shaded, woodland areas and is a popular choice for gardens and floral arrangements due to its timeless beauty and enchanting aroma. This flower is also commonly associated with spring and is often used in weddings and other special occasions for its elegant appearance.

Lily of the Valley Varieties

The Lily of the Valley flower is a small, bell-shaped bloom that grows on a stem with several flowers per stem. This flower boasts a diverse array of varieties, each with its unique charm and characteristics. Let's explore some of the most notable varieties: 

White Lily of the Valley 


The classic and most well-known variety, featuring pure white, bell-shaped flowers that emit a sweet fragrance. This variety is often used in weddings and symbolises purity and happiness. Its pristine appearance makes it a timeless favourite.

Pink Lily of the Valley

A rare and delicate variety, the pink lily of the valley offers soft pink blooms that add a romantic touch to any setting. This variety is perfect for creating a gentle, charming ambience in gardens and floral arrangement

Blue Lily of the Valley

Although quite rare, blue lily of the valley varieties exist and feature flowers with a bluish hue. These unique blooms provide an interesting twist on the traditional flower and can add a distinctive element to any garden.

Wild Lily of the Valley

Wild varieties of lily of the valley grow naturally in woodland areas and often have a more rustic appearance. These typically feature the classic white blooms but may have slightly smaller flowers and more robust foliage. They bring a touch of natural beauty and simplicity to gardens and floral displays.

When Does Lily of the Valley Bloom?

Lily of the valley typically blooms in the spring, with its flowering period starting in late April and extending through May. The exact timing of the bloom can vary slightly depending on the climate and growing conditions. 

During this time, the plant produces its signature delicate, bell-shaped flowers that emit a sweet, enchanting fragrance. The blooming period is relatively short, but the beautiful and fragrant flowers make a significant impact, symbolizing the return of happiness and the arrival of spring. This seasonal bloom makes the lily of the valley a cherished addition to springtime floral arrangements and gardens.

Is Lily of the Valley Toxic? Is It Safe to Touch?

Lily of the valley is indeed toxic if ingested. All parts of the plant contain toxic compounds called cardiac glycosides, which can cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and irregular heartbeats if consumed. 

While it is safe to touch, it is advisable to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant to avoid any accidental ingestion, especially before eating or touching your face. When using lily of the valley in floral arrangements, ensure it is kept out of reach of children and pets to prevent any accidental poisoning.

Meaning and Symbolism

Lily of the Valley flowers hold deep symbolism and are often associated with purity, humility, and sweetness. Their delicate, bell-shaped blooms represent innocence and renewal, making them a popular choice for weddings and christenings. 

In many cultures, the lily of the valley is seen as a symbol of happiness and good luck, often given to convey best wishes and joy. The flower is also associated with the return of happiness, making it a thoughtful gift for someone going through a challenging time. 

Additionally, in religious contexts, the lily of the valley is often linked to the Virgin Mary and is seen as a symbol of purity and grace.

Creative Uses in Floral Arrangements

Lily of the Valley's delicate blooms and sweet fragrance make it a popular choice for floral designers and enthusiasts. It pairs beautifully with other spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths in elegant bouquets, centerpieces, and corsages. Its graceful stems and lush foliage add texture and depth to floral arrangements, creating a romantic and enchanting ambiance.

Caring for Lily of the Valley Flowers

Caring for lily of the valley flowers involves several key steps to ensure their health and longevity, whether they are in your garden or as part of a floral arrangement.

Plant Lily of the Valley in partial to full shade. While they can tolerate some morning sunlight, too much direct sunlight can scorch their delicate foliage and flowers. Optimal conditions include dappled sunlight or filtered shade beneath trees or alongside buildings.

Lily of the Valley prefers moist, well-drained soil rich in organic matter. Amend heavy or clay soils with compost or peat moss to improve drainage. Avoid waterlogged soil, as it can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases.

Keep the soil consistently moist throughout the growing season, especially during periods of dry weather. Water the plants at the base to prevent wetting the foliage, which can promote fungal diseases. Mulching around the plants helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds.

Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring before new growth appears. Avoid over-fertilizing, as excessive nitrogen can result in lush foliage at the expense of flowers. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application rates and frequency.

Over time, Lily of the Valley plants may become overcrowded, resulting in diminished flowering. Divide established clumps every three to five years in early spring or fall to rejuvenate the plants and promote vigorous growth. Carefully dig up the clumps and separate them into smaller sections, ensuring each division has several healthy rhizomes.

Pest and Disease Control
Monitor the plants regularly for signs of pests, such as aphids, snails, and slugs, which can damage the foliage and flowers. Treat infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or other suitable remedies. Provide adequate air circulation around the plants to minimize the risk of fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew and leaf spot.

Seasonal Care Tips: To ensure the health and vitality of your Lily of the Valley plants throughout the year, it's essential to provide appropriate seasonal care. In the spring, divide overcrowded clumps and plant new rhizomes to rejuvenate the plants and encourage vigorous growth. In the summer, keep the soil consistently moist and provide shade during hot periods to prevent stress and wilting. In the fall, mulch around the plants to insulate the roots and protect them from freezing temperatures. And in the winter, provide winter protection by covering the plants with a layer of mulch or straw to safeguard them from frost damage.

By following these care tips, you can enjoy the enchanting beauty and fragrance of lily of the valley flowers, whether indoors in a vase or outdoors in a shaded garden nook. Their low maintenance needs and charming appearance make them a delightful addition to any floral display.


Get Lilies Delivered in Ireland

If you're looking to add the elegant touch of lilies to your home or to gift someone special, offers a beautiful selection of lily of the valley flowers and other stunning lily varieties. Whether it's for celebrating a special occasion or simply brightening someone's day, these flowers are perfect for conveying your heartfelt sentiments. 

With convenient online ordering and delivery services, you can easily send these lovely blooms anywhere in Ireland. Explore the exquisite collection at to find the perfect floral arrangement and enjoy the beauty of lilies delivered right to your door.